I woke up at 2:22 am wondering why I was awake. Without consciously allowing my brain to think anymore than it had to, I began having a flood of thoughts. This isn't overly uncommon for me, however, it's been a long time since I had a good middle of the night musing. I grabbed my phone and began typing quickly as the thought flowed faster than I could keep up with... as soon as I finished I knew exactly what to do with the notes.
They belonged here, on WattPad, where 'all y'all' could read, contribute, share insights, and find a safe space to, well, be.
I'm calling this a Letter to My Daughter's Generation. She is almost 13 going on 30 (born in 2007). She teaches me how to be a better non-grown up every day and, I guess as I continue to 'wake up', I find that, although my life has been very purposeful, I need to do more. I need to let you all know, this future is for you and I can't speak for the other waking-up grown ups, but I know for sure, I'm here and I'm going to give you my best self so that you have your best chance for a beautiful and safe future.
Ok... I think that's enough preface, on to the letter and whatever else unfolds. Love to you all, Momma to EL and Soul Momma to everyone who finds comfort with these words.