Throughout the years she has lived, Aslan, the Princess of Adraek, has remained a beloved mystery to her people - but when secrets are publicised and havoc is wreaked on her life, a stimulating yet dangerous escape from the tearing silks of her world is forced on her. In order to simultaneously prove her loyalty and redeem her reputation, Aslan finds herself impersonating a man and aiming to retrieve blueprints vital to the future of her kingdom. A month long mission: requiring patience, cunning, and manipulation - all of which are strong fortes of the princess, though what she doesn't expect is who she'll have to assert them on - and what effect it'll have on her. Raised in a ruthless, unforgiving environment, will Aslan excel in what she was bought up to do - or will she yield to the obstacles set to trip her, and fall alongside the crown? (Saturday 28 November - this story will be removed from this account in the next 24 hours and republished on another account @Expendable_Person )All Rights Reserved
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