Morphers and Shapeshifters
19 Bagian Lengkap In a land far away, lived Morphers and Shapeshifters. Morphers were people who could morph into one animal, and Shapeshifters all animals. Royalty, people who lived in the center region of the land, could morph into four animals. There were six regions. One was the snowy, one the forest, one the beach, and one the plains. Those were four of the six. Then, there was the Shapeshifters land, filled with hills, and the royal land. The royal land was very posh, and the queen lived there.
The Shapeshifters were getting very powerful through the days. The queen told them of a story to the people of the land."The Shapeshifters have been hiding a truth. They came to this land as robbers, robbing all of our things. So, I came to the land to stop them. The Shapeshifters are becoming really powerful, and they pose as a threat once again," she would tell the people.
People got scared. When the Shapeshifters came to visit them, they would freeze in fear. The queen took action. She separated the land. The Shapeshifters were kicked out of the land. Only some remained in the hills, hidden. Though the people didn't realize that their queen wasn't telling the truth.
In fact, the story was the other way around. The queen was the one who stole the land. She took over the land and the Shapeshifters surrendered.
One day, two young twins were born in those hills. Those two girls, were going to make things right.