Lincoln Denn, is the current heir to her father's company. Her family's status of Veilleux Riche has set her apart ever since she was a child. The one person who could possibly understand her is her sister Carmen.
In a social world where there is an invisible wall between her and everyone else and a constant threat to her sense of identity, she vows to never return. However, upon hearing of a tragedy within her family, she returns to the place she hates most.
Her sister Carmen has passed away with fragmented clues after committing suicide. Instantly, it's clear to Lincoln that while everything is the same it's completely unrecognizable. A world which consumed her is foreign.
Familiar faces are everywhere she turns. Lincoln's grief process, causes her to reassess her own life choices. Sometimes, it's easier to have deep conversations with people when they're dead. The things they leave behind often say more about them, then what they openly projected in life. But, by then, it's too late.