Genre: Love, School, Mystery, Horror, Comedy, Action, Life, Fiction, LGBT
This is a story where you will explore history, mystery and love at the same time. A simple yet a fun way to start my path as a writer. This is not my first work because the other stories that I have written was lost 😢 because my phone shuts down and I was unable to retrieve the files. But all the parts of the stories are all from my imagination, remember that this is a fiction, I hope that you'll enjoy it.
Feel free to leave some notes or comments :) Thank you.
This guy is bad news, pretending to be cute and nice while hiding an evil inside. Zandra Asuncion, who dislikes Michael Jonas Pangilinan, starts to understand him and foolishly tries to "fix" him. Unbeknownst to her, she's falling into a trap, as this guy has no intention of pursuing her - and no intention of letting her go either.
South Boys #6