In the world of Teyra, fantasy meets adventure as the story follows Cellie Chambers and Hal Nylund on a journey of discovery. After the pair of graduated students embark on their journey, they meet many characters along the way who will aid their quest. They encounter challenges of the pilgrimage to test their will, and face an untold story of the great source magic itself, which has been dwindling across Teyra.
Magic is scarce and few individuals possess minuscule natural ability. It is greatly known that those who complete the pilgrimage to The Silent Altar are granted The Raizen's Bounty in the form of powerful magics. To earn the Raizen's Bounty, a pilgrim must embark on a journey across the southern realm, where the Great Raizen himself completed his journey eons ago. Once a pilgrimage is completed, recipients of the Raizen's Bounty become a Sainz, less powerful than the Great Raizen but a force of magic recognizable across the world. Sainz of the past received powerful magics to cure the sick, others to control the weather or time and space, and others still, like the present day King of Bolton, granted earth magics to change the landscape. Finally, every pilgrim to earn the Raizen's Bounty also receives everlasting life.
Our protagonists' journeys begin in the eastern countryside of The Kendalian Empire and travel south through the carnival cities of The Tazneem Republic until they reach the city of Bassé where their Holy Pilgrimage will begin. They will face the perils of pilgrimage across the southern realm, including physical tasks, trials of wit and cunning, and ultimately given a choice to spread the truth about their waning religion. Naturally gifted in magics, each have learned to enchant a quill to write on paper or a broom to clean their sleeping quarters, but as many students their thirst for knowledge must now be put to practical means before they can become a powerful Sainz. What wonders and mystery await our Sainz-to-be?
In the epic conclusion to the Devil's Deal series, Freya has one final chance to discover the full potential of her own power, and to use it to restore balance in the universe - once and for all. After the destruction caused by Roisin, Ferya and Torix come to terms with their losses and mistakes... And prepare for a final battle that will change everything.