21 parts Ongoing In This Upcoming Story , a dark and twisted tale unfolds as the mysterious human, Jason, is enrolled into Cherryton Academy at 17. Unbeknownst to the characters in the Beastars world, Jason didn't originate from their realm but was transported from Earth. Armed with his knowledge from the anime and manga, Jason sets a deadly plan in motion. He decides to take on the role of Tem's murderer, instead of Riz, jeopardizing Riz's intentions. Jason's past is marred by violence, having taken the lives of his abusive parents and brother. If his secret is discovered, the consequences could be catastrophic, as the carnivores will always be the main target when a herbivore is killed. However, everyone forgets that Jason himself is half-carnivore and has a haunting history of taking lives. This story begins at the start of Beastars Season 1, where the boundaries between predator and prey blur, and dark secrets threaten to consume all involved.
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