[The second volume of the "Humanize" series] After successfully pulling off what the world considered the best show of the century, Feel Your Soul becomes not only a prestigious annual show, but also an idol company under the brand of the EAM. Moon Jiyeong, official stage director and the core of the big family under the name, has the task of making sure everything flows towards their goal, where idols would be seen as the humans they are. Leaving aside until now what she considered a secondary thing, in other words, her feelings towards the world and life, in this story she will find herself learning from her fellow friends, as, taking advantage of the 3 months hiatus that would take building the new complex adapting to the new company's concept, she will expend quality human time with them, where labels will matter less than ever. This is the story of humans living their lives, together supporting each other in order to fulfill their dreams.