I was told my description is a tad confusing so I'm giving you all the run down before hand:In DW there was this alien mentioned very briefly that can make you forget stuff. Basically the Doctor accidentally got BITTEN by one and can't remember his life as eleven anymore. His most recent ones are as Ten with Rose. He has no idea she's actually gone and happy and is trying to find her. There might be river bashing fair warning (read first page for more details on bashing) but I swear trying to keep it to a minimum. ~ One touch and you will forget this last whole hour. One bite and you can forget decades. ~ He had no recollection of the last 150 years. He's stuck in the past Looking for someone who was long gone now...he just couldn't remember that. He remembers telling her he'd never leave her. Not her. And all he knows now is that he did.All Rights Reserved