I swallowed the bile that rose in my throat. Gosh, I killed him. I banished the thought from my brain and opened up the crate. Looking around I noticed the many cells. My small frame could barley lift itself from the crate and when I did it toppled with me. A loud bang had me freezing. "Oh cijt!" One of the alligator aliens showed up, gun pointed straight at me. I stood up with fear pulsing off me, hands in the air. "How did you get out of your cell!?" He marched over to me and grabbed my long shirt that is a brown sack. I was lifted in the air as he snarled at me. "We'll just have to put you some where, where you won't escape." I gulped at his look and he brought me to the back of the ship. The cage was very dark and I felt a feeling of horror as he opened the cell and tossed me in. "Stay in there you filthy rat. You're not even worth killing. You can be food to the Wookie." He laughed and walked back to his post.All Rights Reserved