"Welcome hunters, gods and goddesses, titans and titanesses, nymphs, satyrs, mortals and demigods!! Welcome to Camp Half-Bloods' first time to ever have a Faction Cup competition!
There are three factions. Sandpipers, Jackdaws and Chasers. Why are there only three and not the usual four? Simple, that's because three is a special and sacred numbers for the Greeks. We have the Big Three, the three fates, the three furies and three is the number we usually send off for quests, do I need to give anymore examples? No? Good to know you're all aware about this. Now, the faction which earns the most points will earn the Faction Cup at the end of the month. Two points each for each day you log on. Five points for answering the correct answer to the question given to you by your faction leader. Ten points for answering the correct riddle and fifteen for unscrambling the anagram which will both be given by your faction leader, as well. You can receive bonus points which can vary for any good deed you do by any faction leader. If you do something bad and break any rule you'll lose points. For those who do not already know, the faction leader of Sandpipers is Aphrodite Cabin's head counselor and one of the SEVEN, Piper McLean, the faction leader of Chasers is Athena Cabin's head counselor and one of the SEVEN, Annabeth Chase and the faction leader of Jackdaws is Poseidon Cabin's head counselor, one of the SEVEN and our camp's beloved and pride, Perseus Jackson!! There are simple rules which are, no cheating, no threatening others, no fighting with the others and no stealing others ideas! Now, I wish you all the best. I hope each and everyone of you try your best to earn as many points as possible for your faction." Chiron said.
//The "Cup" will be awarded on the last day of each month. Morning for the Eastern Standard Time
and nighttime for the India Standard Time. So, figure out your time using a timezone calculator.\\