31 Часть Завершенная история In a world where dinosaurs never went extinct, humanity has learned to live alongside these awe-inspiring creatures, sharing the Earth in a delicate balance of nature and civilization. Nestled in a remote, uncharted region, a wildlife reserve has been established to protect both the creatures and the remnants of an ancient civilization lost to time.
Jayce, a devoted park ranger with a deep bond to the creatures he protects, has always found peace in the tranquil rhythms of the reserve. But when strange disturbances begin to unsettle the park's delicate ecosystem, he finds himself at the center of a mystery far beyond his understanding. The animals' behavior shifts, unseen forces seem to stir, and previously inaccessible ruins now appear to be revealing long-held secrets.
Along with Ava, a fellow park ranger with a passion for the ancient past, Jayce begins to investigate the ruins that hold cryptic clues about a forgotten era. Their search, however, draws the attention of Sullivan, a mysterious figure from an undercover organization, whose motives are far from clear. What begins as a quest to restore balance to the park's natural order soon unearths secrets that could reshape their understanding of the world.
As Jayce, Ava, and Sullivan venture deeper into the ruins, they encounter ancient artifacts, cryptic writings, and a hidden force that threatens the future of both the park and life as they know it. With every discovery, they are pulled closer to uncovering a powerful truth-one that could either save or doom them all.