"This is the story of a prince, who lived in a large castle.
He dreamed of being like others but... he was different.
Because he could do things no one else could.
And that frightened people.
One day he met an... angel. Who wasn't very happy either.
So they ran away together. To try and find a better life.
They faced many dangers, from a witch and a snake to a creature of the sea.
And the prince befriended every one of them.
Until they met a boy, who would hide away.
He was mad, and angry, and tried to hurt the prince.
But he was also alone, and scared, and didn't want to leave.
Because he too, was different.
So the prince took his hand, and showed him it was okay.
And the boy followed along, nervously.
The two grew closer, and slowly.
They fell in love."