"I'm trying to help you." "NO! You're just LYING! You can't help ME, FOSTER! You want to know why?" She stayed silent. "Because I can't be fixed, Foster. I'm a mistake. A lie. Merely just a fraction of what my mother wanted." -- A month after Sophie's friends got taken away by the Neverseen, Sophie, Keefe, Biana and Fitz are all that remain, and they must go on a quest to get their friends back and restore peace to the Lost Cities. However, the four kept hitting into dead-ends that lead to absolutely nowhere. Will they find their friends in time? Before the Lost Cities are thrown into chaos for eternity? -- He kept disappearing. Trying to be the hero. She wanted to help. And she needed answers. -- Atlantis. Foxfire. Neverseen. Chaos. LOST ~written by zavagexAll Rights Reserved