Can You Keep A Secret? (The Outsiders Fan Fiction)
25 parti Completa "You lied to me," He insinuated.
I felt my heart leap to my throat, this can't be happening.
"It was a mistake, everyone makes mistakes," my voice dropped.
"Yes, but you make more than most people."
"You hurt me; you worry everyone, everyone you get close to you hurt. Ever since Ma and Pa died you've been nothing but inconsiderate to everyone else. You hurt all of us with your lies."
"Not on purpose," I whispered,
"I never wanted to hurt you, I only wanted to-"
Soda put his hands up to silence me. "Rosey-"
"Please don't do this, Soda, I care about him." I heard panic tinging my own voice.
He said nothing.
Friends are the family you can choose, but sometimes, those friends are more like lovers than family.
Rosemarie Curtis, Sadie Cade, Sodapop Curtis, Ponyboy Curtis, Johnny Cade, Darry Curtis, Dallas Winston, Steve Randle, and Two-bit Mathews.
All greasers and the best of friends, inseparable at the least.
It's always been this way; a gang, a tight knot group of people.
Nobody thought anything could disrupt the perfect little imbalance of friendship that consisted in the gang.
Especially love, or complicated relationships. Complicated meaning... hidden.
How will their friendship stay on the straight and narrow when fate's gun is loaded with twists, ready to be fired at the 9 gang members?
And the main question is; can you keep a secret?
Because there are plenty to keep.