Be careful what you wish for you just might get it! Don't be alarmed. Don't be afraid. It doesn't have to go the wrong way. In April's case God gave her everything she wished for and yes she paid a few prices along the way but in the end she got exactly what she wanted. LOVE...Love so rare and love so pure by someone who bumped his way into her life and shook up her whole world. Watch as they take on family life and blossom into so much more. But remember everything that glitters isn't gold! With having a new baby, Dave going on tour, and the Triple B's moving across the country to Los Angeles what does God have in store for them next? Remember life is filled with endless tests and journeys that can possibly make or break you but at the end of the day it's all in YOUR hands to make the best of it... I present to you the continuation of All She Wanted Was Love A Chris Brown and Dave East Fan Fiction...
67 parts