This story takes place in a world where Bella from Twilight married Edward but never got pregnant. Jake decides to try and get some space to clear his head and start over, so he goes to college. Meg is a college student and lives with her best friend Sarah, and they're both trying to figure out what is wrong with Meg. Jake imprints on Meg but he seems to be stuck in the friend zone, while Meg is trying to move on from her ex boyfriend. Jake is in love with Meg, but with him come vampires who want him dead, which will lead to Meg being in danger if they begin to date. This story honestly won't really be like twilight besides the whole Jake is a werewolf and there's vampires. Depending on how this goes, I might make Damon from The Vampire Diaries be in this (but in this case Elena never worke up or fell in love with him). This will be better than its description I swear! I'm just not good at writing descriptions.Todos os Direitos Reservados
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