Moonchild tells the story of a boy named Taiyo and a high school girl named Tsukiko, who are having a hard time remembering each other, on the other hand, Tsukiko has suddenly and inexplicably begin to have strange dreams of her future self so Taiyo with his whole group is trying to solve this mystery ~~~~~~~~ _______________________________~~~~~~ When Tsukiko a middle schooler fell in love with a new boy(Taiyo) something unexpected happened which no one ever imagines causing them to separate but they met after a long time though both had a hard time trying to remember each other, mean while Taiyo and Tsukiko with their group are also trying to solve the mystery of Tsukiko dreams but one day something out of ordinary happened that change both of their lives forever but the questions are... what type of dreams is she having? Will Tsukiko and Taiyo end up together? what type of friends would Tsukiko have? What type of girl is tsukiko? Is Tsukiko is gonna end up with someone else? What kind of conflicts are they gonna face? what type of tragic event I am talking about? But to know the answers to these Questions You gotta read my book "Moonchild" About my Book: It is a romantic_fantasy book revolving around 2 protagonists Tsukiko and Taiyo both are students of Japan's top High School named "Fuchu Nishi high" but HEY!!!! I CAN'T TELL YOU THE WHOLE STORY YOU'VE GOTTA READ MY BOOK FOR THAT . . . I update every Saturday and I would appreciate if you would vote on my book and please share your opinions below the comment section feel free!!! and give me the advice to make it better too am open-minded so I would appreciate that regards SAKURA_All Rights Reserved