A new story for the "Avatar: The Last Airbender" and "Legend of Korra" series. It takes place in modern times where technology has advanced to the point where benders are rendered useless. However, the main antagonist, Atreus, recognizes the potential for their power to convert to energy for people to use to power their homes and starts to capture benders and strip them of their bending abilities. He does this in inhumane ways, often treating the prisoners like animals and setting them up in cages to fight benders after they have been stripped of their gift. Non-benders in the modern world are desensitized, so they care little for the benders and feel like everyone should be equal anyway (a continuation from the Equalist Movement in the "Legend of Korra" series). Thus, benders are forced into hiding to escape persecution and oftentimes wear disguises so they can continue to make a living. In addition to Atreus's revolution, the Avatar has failed to show up for decades, the last cycle being the avatar that came about after Korra passed away.
The story focuses on a young earthbender name Malakai who scours the country in search of some brave recruits in order to stop the ruthless acts and bring peace to the world once and for all and to prove to the world (mainly the benders) that they do not have to rely on one person with the abilities of all of the elements to bring balance. Balance comes through a team effort. Therefore, her search brings her in contact with a firebender, waterbender, airbender, and non-bender and together (along with others) they try to overthrow Atreus's regime and restore the world to a peaceful place in which people of all types work together (equally) to maintain a healthy balance in the community. Along the way they will face many obstacles and will discover a terrible secret that Atreus planned to keep hidden....