A girl called Yun-Yeong , discovers that there is more to this world than what we are seeing.She finds a strange world... no more like a new plane of existence where only she can enter and the ones she pulls along with her, or so she thought. After searching about her powers and the unseen she soon learns about dark magic, monsters and other facts about the supernatural. But one day she and her two best friends Bae and Sung went too far... As they were in the empty world of darkness they heard a knock. Frightened they tried leaving as soon as possible.But they knew they brought the monsters of the dark along with them. Terrified, Yun closed the portal that connects the two plains. But it was too late... She had already freed 8 monsters... Author : Ann Lee I will be crediting the writers who help me along the way ❤ You can contact me on my Instagram where you can also find out about the upcoming stories and new chapters. I'll also be giving little hints on the meaning behind the chapters and stories. You can also apply to be a writer or an artist for helping with writing and making the cover art. Maybe we'll all make new friends and start making real books as a team one day. Who knows😉 My Instagram profile made for this app is @annlee_hee_hee Thank you 🙏💕All Rights Reserved