The most mischievous being on Midgard. Even more clever and cheekier than Loki God of Mischief and Lies. More talented with tricks than Loki himself and a even better pretender than Loki. Is there someone that is really better than Loki ? Or are you just getting fooled ? "I always wonder did I ever deserved the honor to meet you and pull pranks with you ?" "Fate. It was fate who gave us three the honours to meet and become best friends." In the open always funny and careless... '#another prank succeeded😂' Making the Avengers burn with trouble... Tony was pacing in the room. "I want to know who that person is !! They hacked JARVIS in less than 5 minutes !" Tricking the God of Mischief... "And now kneel before me !", someone said in Loki's voice. "What kind of magic was that ? Who said that ?" "Me who else you fool ! Another fake of me who thinks he can trick the school and the most mischievous person in school." "I hope I don't interrupt. I just wanted to say one word...mischief.", Loki said smiling and then walked out. Loki stood in the hallway. He turned around and stared at the three in surprise. Always creative and on the run... "HYDRA is not dead." "It is just poison for Frost Giants. It is a healing potion for Fire Demons ! It comes from Muspelheim ! But in private...a absoulute nightmare... The mother calmed down again and went to hug ***. ******* flinched away from her. "Don't touch me.", she/he growled. "I was worried about y-" "Spare me that bullshit.", ******* growled and went upstairs. "You promised that you will be home on time this time !! Why do you always promise something and then break it ?! You are just like Aki !!" Her/his mother gasped. Loki covered his mouth in shock. "Maybe he could help us..." "NO !" "Do you think that I want that ?! I don't want to have any of this, but it is happening ! When do you get it ?! It was meant to be ! Move on from your fantasieland and grow up !!"All Rights Reserved