Pretty much self explanitory. *P.S* if you ask for someone who I don't know very well, or don't know anything about then i'll ask you to please pick someone else. It's SOO hard to make someone a main charecter, if you know nothing about them. SO don't get all pissy if you don't pick someone else, and I end up not writing you a one-shot period. okay? <3 -Marissa Bands I know quite a bit about~ Of Mice and Men Motionless in White Black Veil Brides and more. So just message me about it and i'll tell you whether or not I can write it. IF YOU ASK FOR A ONE SHOT, MESSAGE ME THESE DETAILS. Name: Person you want to be in the one shot with: Apperance: Things you like: Things you dislike: And anything else you would want me to know for the one shot.:All Rights Reserved