And thou shalt not cross each other in the name of Jesus And thou shalt not testify and go against yo people And thou shalt not speak about it if you ain't never done it Put God first and my family second, ain't nothing above it I am my brother's keeper Ania Cane. Daughter of retired Kingpin, Daniel Cane. She was taught everything it was to know to run the streets of L.A. From shooting guns. Sticks- ups' at local jewelry stores to earn a score. And fighting skills that can kill a man in twenty-two different ways. She was trained and trained well. It was just all up to her whether or not she wanted to use her training for good or bad. Or maybe, she didn't want to use it at all. Ania is an intelligent student in her last year of high school. She plans on going to a four year college for journalism in hopes of being successful. She had her life set for herself. All she needed to do was graduate out of high school and begin her journey to success. That wasn't so hard to do right?All Rights Reserved