6 parts Ongoing "Running into Love" is a captivating romance novel that follows the lives of Carl Theodorakis and Sofia Venizelos, two ambitious Greek students at a prestigious American university. Carl is a towering, charismatic track star with a focus on the 200m, 400m, and 400m hurdles, boasting record-breaking times that have him on the fast track to professional athletics. Sofia, on the other hand, is a brilliant engineering student with a passion for volleyball, known for her dazzling hazel eyes and light brown curls.
Despite their differences, Carl and Sofia share a deep drive for excellence and a love for the challenges they face in their respective fields. Their paths cross during a chance encounter on campus, sparking an unexpected connection that neither of them anticipated. As they navigate the pressures of their academic and athletic careers, they find themselves drawn to each other in ways they can't ignore.
Their relationship blossoms through late-night study sessions, shared moments of vulnerability, and a growing understanding of each other's worlds. However, as their bond deepens, they must confront the obstacles that come with balancing love, ambition, and the expectations placed upon them. With Carl's sights set on the Olympics and Sofia's determination to make her mark in engineering, they must decide whether their love is strong enough to withstand the challenges ahead.
"Running into Love" is a story about the thrill of competition, the power of dreams, and the unexpected ways that love can find us when we least expect it. It's a tale of two young people discovering that sometimes, the most important race is the one that brings them together.