This story takes please in a land, bright as day. No harm could be done to anyone here, the dragons were protected from harms of reality.
3000 years ago, the founders made a promise and bow, 4 elements of fire would protect there tribe and others, ones who were out casted by others, to a land where they escape the reality.
Now in the present, Macara, hears a call, a call from far, telling her she has a path to follow, threw the forest she goes, late at the night when the moon shines the brightest, she runs to search for this call. But is it really trying to lead her to good? Is someone from her path forcing her home? No matter what, Macara will stand in her home. The land she never saw.
Read the book to go on a journey of humor, magic and more. Welcome to part one of this series.
Presenting the story of
Whose innocence made the king bow down to her
Whose presence is enough to make the person shiver
As said "opposite attracts"
But the question is how they both attracted?
Let's find out this in their story!!