Arthit Rojnapat's life revolves between three things: his family, his friends and their company. With the constant pressure and scrutinizing eyes being thrown to him ever since he started to learn and understand how the world works, Arthit knew to himself that distractions and settling down is far for him to attain yet.
But that's not the case for his parents. Knowing that their son's position is in danger without a heir, they started to set him up for blind dates, be it with a girl, a male bearer, a businessman's child, a politician's child - name it and they have tried it but all blind dates reached to only one result: failure.
Kongpob Suthiluck is a young surgeon who is trying to make his name in the hospital scene away from his father's shadows. With his life revolving around the hospital, Kong can't blame anyone why he's still single while his friends are happily in a relationship.
After one unexpected meeting, two fathers sharing the same dilemma, two sons oblivious of what is happening, will it still result to some beautiful days?
Story includes: arrange marriage, mpreg, mutual pinning and more.
Please refrain from reading if you're not comfortable with it :)
Characters are not mine. Characters are owned by Bittersweet ❤️
Only the plot is mine :)