27 chapitres Terminé Contenu pour adultesConnor Hunter's life was as normal as everything was. He attended school regularly with his two best friends. He had average scores which for a guy of his age would be normal. He lived alone far from his parents because he wanted to be independent, no uncommon thing there.
One day, an accident occurs. He discovers that he had acquired some kind of ability to manipulate space and time. Everything goes downhill and he questions his sanity. Is he crazy? Could he be dreaming? Is this all real?
After a few encounters he realizes that he isn't the only ability weilder, there are others, some stronger, others smarter and each one is different.
Where will this realization come to? What will become of his everyday life? What happens when he meets more of his type?
There is only one way to find out, and I'll tell you this much,
It wont be easy.