Star Wars The Clone Wars: The Last Geonosian
2 chapitres Terminé Contenu pour adultesAfter the end of the Clone Wars, order 66 was given starting the great Jedi purge, but a small group of surviving female Jedi managed to escape with a space ship they managed to steal from the Imperials and along the way, save an old enemy that turned friend. They are eventually, ambushed by a Imperial fleet, barely managing to get out of it alive after they used their damaged hyperdrive, but once they exit hyperspace, they realize they reached Geonosis and thanks to the heavy damage the ship has taken, they are forced to make a crash landing on the planet. Once they land, they start to search the planet hoping to find spare parts to fix their ship and think the planet is deserted, after the Emperor slaughtered the entire population, but little did they know that there was still a last survivor and what his plans for them will be.