Mhm? Uhh yes!!! Can you hear me!? Please don- Bug detected! Eliminating <selfconsciousIzuku> Mask presence? Yes < No(t available option!) Rebooting- (Def): Prudo: Hey um- Vxl it's rebooting again. Vxlflgh: Wow, this fucker must have gone and seen traumatic. And my power growsss again. Vruurz: That's like the fifth time this year. Wow. Prudo: Wait wait wait- Vruurz: Yeah? Prudo: This only happens when someone new comes. Vxlflgh: What? Oh yeah. I'm the newest member/ 2 years ago. Prudo: PLEASE BE A GOOD MEMBER! Vruurz: I highly doubt that. Last time we got this dude. Prudo: Yeah but maybe Vxlflgh: From the looks of his life no. Prudo: Uhh whyy? I literally have not been monitoring that for just maybe a few years? I thought everyone was happy? Oxqdfb: Sup. Prudo: Ah. Yes, I can just feel my self diminishing from your name. Vruurz: I was right! Told ya Prudo! Dqdobch: Yeah yeah, Anyone could have figured that out Vruurz. Prudo: Dqdobch! You're out of your little isolation cave! Dqdobch: Needed a break and uh woah. There's like two more people than normal? Prudo: Dqdobch meet Oxqdfb and Vxlflgh! Dqdobch: Judging from their names they aren't that good right? Prudo: Yep. They aren't good. Vxlflgh: Yeah hi bitch. Oxqdfb: Oh goodness I haven't said a word except Sup! I'm terribly sorry. But honestly you suck. Vruurz: I guess Dqdobch is finally going out of his cave for longer than 3 days. Yay.All Rights Reserved