30 parts Complete Four working individuals are set to begin their adventure in the once prosperous town where they have to collect information about its root of destruction.
In a progressive city of Minokawa, it is expected to be one of the cities praised for its high rate of economic growth. Their pioneering distribution of resources, responsible usage of highly developed technology, and its top priority to build institutions and provide quality healthcare to the public challenged the neighboring lands to be better.
But with all these striking descriptions of what the so-called Kite City can offer, there is a part of it that remained untouched by modernity.
Apart from its antiquated geographical data, a horde of historians, journalists, and curious onlookers strived on excavating the origin of the town. However, with the continuous failed attempts on their search, Soluna still persists to be impenetrable of what's beyond the town's historic rack and ruin.