Sacred Hollow's Academy of the Magical Arts was no ordinary school. However, Finn Little was no ordinary girl. Born a magician to a mother who refused to train her, Finn is finally enrolled in a school that will hone her power, but there's a catch ... she sucks. Like, really sucks.
There's only one way to avoid ridicule, and that's to somehow get into Sacred Hollow's elite club, the Iron Guild, comprised of the most gifted and talented students, accessible only by passing three Trials that demonstrate one's magical abilities.
To get in, Finn is going to need help, and who better to blackmail than the Guild's handsome Potion Master, Jeon Jungkook? She must be on her guard, though, since someone as powerful as Jungkook has enemies everywhere.
Will there be a place for her in the Guild? Or at Sacred Hollow at all?
When an archeology student accidently gets added in a groupchat full of f1 drivers.
When Charles Leclerc falls for the stranger in the groupchat
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(Updates every Saturday)