Arianna Macron (Aria) for short, is your typical 'popular good girl' type. She has good grades, good crowd, is a cheerleader, and in Drama. Shes obviously on the road to a University, Stanford to be precise. Oh, and of course she is dating the captain of the Football team. Justin. He can be a total dick sometimes. Okay, most of the time. But, hey, if having a dicky boyfriend gives her a good look then she'll shut up and take it. Then She decides to sighn up for tutor. And of course with her luck. She would end up tutoring Radburn Kingston the gangster leader at school. She hated it but she couldn't deny that there was this spark when she looked in his eyes. Radburn Kingston is every way you can imagine a hot gang member to look like. Well, besides the fact that he only has one tattoo across his back. He rides a motorcycle, wears a leather jacket all the time has a very well built body, and loyal friends who have his back. One look in his direction and you know instantly who the 'Alpha' was....Except of course Aria.Todos os Direitos Reservados
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