Earth, a planet run by humans for centuries. Mythical creatures locked themselves away in the forests, yet not lashing out on the hostile race that runs the world for being the way the are, making them outcasts. The magical wielding races have grown accustomed to their lives tucked away in the woodlands, but all of a sudden the Watchers reported to the Tellers that pandemic has broken out amongst the human race. The mythicals form two differing sides on how to address the problem. Either use their healers in the races to to help the human fight against the virus, or wait until the humans are weak, then attack and take the planet back. Whichever side a creature took they all started to adventure more, especially the "teens" as humans would call them. Adventuring a little beyond the boundaries of the forests and woods. A human, Mazin runs off into the forest to escape the panic of the humans for a small time, take a breather. While on his walk he meets an elf boy his age, the two get along after their initial panicking of meeting one another. Mazin meets up with the elf every day and fall in love with each other after a while. The world will either be broken or be made stronger, can the two lovers with the help of their friends and families push the world towards becoming stronger?