Exactly what it says on the tin. There'll probably be a safe version in the future, but for the time being, if you are a wee tot, or likewise easily upset, this book isn't for you.
Warnings and Disclaimers:
• Foul Language: Yeah, there's some no-no words and phrases in this book.
• Highly Insulting: If you're easily offended, turn tail and run.
• Mockery of Legitimate Institutes and Actual People: Just making sure to offend anything and everthing, I've got a bucket list, you see.
Most information in this book is gained through the magical, mystical mechanic of Experience. In other words: I messed up so you don't have to. Praise me, found a religion, or just read the darn book. Most of what is written here applies to actual writing as well as Roleplaying.