Knjiga Učenik življenja, ki sem jo dobila pri 14. letih, me je peljala na pot raziskovanja življenja, mojega življenja. Učenik popolnega življenja je knjiga, ki bi si želela, da jo takrat v resnici dobim. Ki bi mi dala odgovore na vprašanja, da bi se učila iz nje, ne iz bolečih izkušenj. Ampak te izkušnje so mi bile potrebne, da sem osvojila določena spoznanja.
Zdaj začenjam razumeti zakaj tako dolgo, toliko let nisem mogla dokončati te knjige in jo dati ven, v javnost. Zakaj se je pisala toliko let in toliko spreminjala. Najprej sem osvajala znanje in izkušnje o fizičnem telesu, nato sem se učila in testirala kaj vse je zmožen um. Potem sem prišla do vprašanja KDO SEM JAZ in KAJ JE MOJE POSLANSTVO. Tukaj sem skozi izkušnje začela dajati teorijo v prakso in nato skozi opazovanje željo razumeti sebe, prakso v teorijo.
Ob znanju o živčnem sistemu in traumi sem postopoma lupila plasti sebe, do svojega bistva. Prej sem morala spoznati še svojo medgeneracijsko traumo in ob tem spoznati svoje prednike in jih iz srca občudovati. Skozi vse to se je vsak dan v meni začel naseljevati nek nov občutek - notranji mir, popolna ljubezen, hvaležnost za vse. Trenutno se počutim kot, da sem sredi hurikana ali orkana - tista sredina znotraj, ki je mirna, kjer se nič ne dogaja, okoli pa se vse vrti, vse se uničuje. Po orkanu izgleda, da je vse uničeno, podrto in je treba od začetka. Ampak začneš iz drugega začetka, začneš z občutkom notranjega miru, spoznanja, da je moralo iti vse staro, da lahko zgradiš novo.
Knjiga je nastala kot moja potreba izraziti se, dati ven moja spoznanja. Za sebe, za tebe.
Imagine walking alone at dawn, the soft whispers of leaves and the distant melody of birds surrounding me. Their rhythm feels strangely familiar, almost as if nature itself is sending me messages from Him-Krishna. But today, something is different. His presence isn't just in my thoughts-it's everywhere, like He's calling me.
Without knowing why, my steps lead me far from home, to an ancient, hidden temple in middle of the forest. Inside, the air is thick with mystery, and in the shadows stands a statue of Him-Shyam, more breathtaking than anything I've ever dreamed. As I move closer, my heart races, my legs tremble, but I can't stop. Then, suddenly, I hear His voice.
"Who are you talking to? I'm right here..."
I turn around, and there He is-not as a distant deity, but standing before me in human form. His eyes are playful, His presence both enchanting and overwhelming. But then, He shakes my very soul with a challenge-an impossible bet.
"Come with me to my time. Live with me, prove that you can take care for me there.... And if you succeed, I will stay with you... in the 21st century."
One choice.... One journey that could change everything. Can I dare to step into His world, walk beside Him in the realm of his dimension and legends? And what happens when the divine crosses into the modern world?....
This isn't just a story of love-it's a journey between two worlds. A Magic of devotion, desire, and destiny.
So finallyyy a new journey started with krishna ....... Lets see what will krishna do in 21st century.... How will he manage here ....Sorry I mean our female lead will manage with himmmmm
【 DISCLAIMER- This Story is part of imagination and adoration !! 】
【Thank you @jaganteddybear aka Chikuuuu for the cover design !!!!!
Jin pyare komal hatho se tumne ye cover bnaya h....】