In a world of great magical spells mixed with a technology known as Rune Tech, diverse cultures and more, all was peaceful till one day. The Emprie of The Elkens, Gria Zu Coren, had discovered an unholy form of magic, Cytoforms, he had lusted for power, and he saw the potential of it. Day after day, the Emperor distanced himself from his family, leaving the rulers of the empire the Senate whilst he was away.
In his lab a hundred kilometers underground, he observed it's impure version completely disintegrate any organic material. And so he purified it by using dark magic he had learned from his family's manuscript. Eventually, it was the darkest form of magic. And there, he corrupted a glass of wine using it and drank it. He felt pain, infinite pain, but along with it came strength. Each passing second tripled both. His very skin turned pale, his eyes bearing red pupils with a dark purple backdrop.
He had become immortal. He then wore a hood to hide his cursed body. Summoned to the court his priests were. And there, he absorbed their souls, painfully shanking out every last drop of magic from them. Then his eyes turned to his subjects.
And so, a thousand years of no growth, no progress, and no new people struck the Empire and it's surrounding kingdoms. During that time, a "plague" ravaged the Elkens, leaving only the Emperor. So, curious armies marched into the dead lands, hoping to reclaim it, only to face an army of rune tech and necromancy. Which occupied the surrounding nations.
Thus, leading to our Story.
Liz is an unclaimed kid with no family and no idea of who she is.
Her only home is Camp Half-Blood
When Camp is at risk of being in the middle of a war because of the Gods that don't care about her, she will not sit back and watch as it happens.
Violence-Curses-Deaths-mentions of suic!des-suic!des attempts