Based in the American state of North Carolina, Apocalyptic Miracles follows an ensemble group of survivors post-outbreak. Beginning nearly two months after the outbreak that cleared well over half of the worlds human population in just a few days, the main character, Emily "Emma" Parker, leaves her group after a fire consumes her camp. Having lost her family during the chaos of the outbreak, Emma ventures out on her own for a short period of time before coming across another group of loyal, trustworthy individuals. Soon she finds a place in her new group and a home in her new unforgiving world. Along the way, Emma takes in the responsibility of parenting a few children orphaned by the incurable and fatal bite of a reanimated corpse. Follow Emma as she battles the undead and the living, captures the heart of a brooding man, experiences heartache like no other, and tries to survive a seemingly inevitable death in Apocalyptic Miracles.
This story is not related to the AMC franchise "The Walking Dead". I own all characters and ideas presented in this story.
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Basically, the sin of sloth got transported to the world of demons, reapers, and angles by her littler brother greed. Let's see how sloth have a new eve by a demon butler.