Your sibling is annoying? I have 10 of them. That's right, seven brothers and three sisters. Mick (19) is in university on a full scholarship playing soccer. Johnny (18) just graduated high-school with a 98% grade average. Ellie and May, the oldest set of twins, are both lifeguards in training. Beck (15) is a musician. Mason (13) is a runner. The troubling triplets Jase, Joe, and Jimmy (9) are the funny little boys who cause trouble and always get away with it. Rosie (4) well... She's still learing to talk. Then there's me. My name's Grace (14) I'm the boring, brown haired, brown eyed, predictable, normal, average height, good girl with good grades, causes no trouble, has no boyfriend, has one good friend, and doesn't know what she wants. What does she do? Any talents? Hobbies? Well, that's a bit hard to answer. Since she's still trying to find herself... ________________________ *COMING SOON* Copyright © 2015 All Rights Reserved
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