After being the superhero known as Shade for nearly a year, Dray faces one of the biggest dilemmas yet. The terrorist known The Dragoon has just set off the New Madrid fault line causing chaos and destruction in an attempt to cleanse the city of Bedrock, AR, and neighboring states wanting to return society back to an agricultural society and detesting cities believing they turned citizens into the worst versions of themselves. Now Shade must do what he can to bring peace back to the city, while also dealing with the vicissitudes of adolescence. However, time brings new and old foes alike. Shade will also have to make a decision; the continual usage of his powers is slowly withering his soul and potions and modern medicine have no chance of stopping it. Shade also harbors a plan, one that only he knows about. One that he believes might change the world, but it just might cost him everything to enact it. *Cover art by Wansworld.
100 parts