Kay so there was a fucking spider right? And he was like walking around my room right? And I was like to spider I don't like you. And he was like but yo I eat bugs n shit! And I was like ya but you better not come near me mr. Spider and he was like okay man so I left mr.spider alone then I went for a ride in my space car to the moon and I got hit by a space shit and then I said ohh shit I got hit by a space plane, man do I ever wish mr. Spider was here to help me kill all of the space bugs n shit then I went home cause I was scared of the space bugs but I killed them all because they wanted to eat spaghetti and they didn't know I had a secret attack and when they went to eat I yelled, WATCH OUT FOR MY SPAGHETTI MOVE! And I killed them good with my spaghetti move now I'm sitting in my room with a bag of chicken balls and then the spider came out from under my dresser and I didn't know it was my pet mr. Spider and I used my spaghetti move on him and noticed it was home and killed myself