First-time private investigator Eddie Greene is having a bad weekend. It’s about to get worse …
When he finds the slab-cold body of his first client, he knows something’s up – he only spoke to her fifteen minutes earlier.
Free-wheeling, swash-buckling, trash-talking Eddie is not just out of place in a humdrum northern town. He’s out of his depth on his first case, out of funds from a now deceased client and out of favour with Weighton’s big society.
As Friday night slides into Saturday morning, each twist in the case turns a bad situation worse; the police want him for murder, the local crime boss wants him dead, the mayor wants him out of town and his girlfriend wants him out of her life.
Increasingly desperate, Eddie takes on all-comers in a barnstorming bid to crack the case and clear his name. And somewhere between all the froth and fury, his affections are reclaimed by the girl who got away – but will she abide ‘til Monday?
“Great fun with some cracking jokes – ‘this femme is fatale’ being my favourite – it reminded me of the Lynne Truss serial on Radio 4.” Sue Fletcher, Deputy MD, Hodder & Stoughton
“Faultless – engaging, controlled, visual and fast-paced. Lots of action and a strong sense of tongue-in-cheek.” Caroline Smailes, Harper Collins author, ‘In Search of Adam’
“It’s like ‘Film Noir’ meets ‘Phoenix Nights’!” Mark Roman, author of 'Ultimate Inferior Beings' on Cogwheel Press.
Ahana!!! " she shouted seeing her friend taking her own life infront of her eyes , everything became numb around her
"The bride is changed" everyone gasped looking at varnika in the place of ahana
"Why you did it varnika? I thought you were my bestfriend" ahana shouted crying while varnika didnt had any reaction on her face nor had any word in her mouths
"I love you advet" she cried but he didn't care , he leave her broken
" Who are you ? There something that's still hidden. what is it ? We have met before right" she aksed from him but he didn't replied
"I love you varnika !" "But I don't" she replied with no emotion "
"I wasn't the one who was behind it !" Advet whispered in drunken voice
"Then who is the murderer?" Varnika asked from herself"