A futuristic yet past tense short story of suspense and thriller. This story is based on strangers, family, love, and revenge.
The author prohibits any reproduction of this book without her authorization. Brief excerpts are permitted for reviews and articles. Any real-life individual resemblances are purely coincidental. Situational dialogue and character interactions are products of the author's imagination.
First Printing 2020
Copyright 2020 Ka'Mili Grayson
ISBN 098271882
(Mother, Writer, Producer, Talk Radio Show Hostess, Actress, and Director) Ms. Ka'Mili Grayson is the founder and chief executive officer of The Kami Grayson's PR agency & SKST Radio Network Featuring The Real Talk with Kami Grayson & Friends Show (formally of the Texas Talent Thon and Special K's Special T's organizations.) Ms. Grayson instills strong core values throughout her organization. She dedicates an endless amount of time to the betterment of young children throughout her recent travels.
Ms. Grayson brings an avalanche of creativity, passion, business savvy and energy to everything she touches. Some of her accomplishments include being a talent agent, dance instructor, events coordinator, actress, and playwright. Prior to dedicating herself fulltime to the Kami Grayson PR agency, Ms. Grayson worked as the radio show producer, scriptwriter and booking agent for the eWomenNetwork Radio Show on ABC's. Ms. Grayson credits the success of her organization to her dedicated staff, volunteers, and the many families who have gone through her programs. Ms. Grayson is a self-made woman who believes in contributing back to her community and today's youth.