An after story to the end of FMA 2003. Kinda follows the overall plot of the movie apparently, but I never watched it so this is entirely free-form. Al awoke confused, the feeling of air surrounding him curious. He was alive. But where was his brother? A turn of events brought Al back from beyond the gates, but with no recollection of his time spent after he and his brother tried to resurrect their mother. With determination Al sets off on his own adventure to find remnants of philosopher stones as he and his brother once had before but along with the curious Wrath who survived. Opposite them in a distant realm Ed had found his footing in the still unfamiliar country of Germany. He attempts to find his father and make a plan on how to possibly get back home. But the world he is in is even stranger when familiar faces show up in the form of his friends and relatives. Not to mention the fact that Envy was somewhere free upon the world he now inhabited, but it turns out that an encounter reveals the homunculus' boredom with the alchemy-less world. Could the two of them put their differences aside, without Envy killing him or Hohenheim, and actually come up with a plan to get back home? Follow the paths the four of them take to reach each other on either side of The Gate! Or may they end up in the middle? Perhaps this journey might end in an all out apocalypse with the death of each other and thousands of others? Let's find out together in this tale of split worlds! To be honest I instantly came up with this idea after I finished Fma 03' at midnight one day, including the name which I came up with no later than 3 minutes after the episode finished on a whim and it stuck. I think it's creative, although it makes it sound primarily gearing towards Ed and Envy's adventure than Al and Wrath's.All Rights Reserved