[SPOILER] Afinal, poderia sintetizar que, a ausência da Face de Deus nos leva ao lapso sempre... e a "desobediência é a condição que nos separa de Deus, consequentemente, leva o Senhor esconder o Seu Rosto (Face) dos homens" (Isaías 59.2). Porém, a maior reflexão que tive foi, colocar-se no lugar do casal, após terem sidos expulsos... e, pior, não poder, mais contemplar a Face...
Concluindo: quando não contemplamos mais o rosto de alguém que antes víamos e tínhamos intimidade, apenas o que resta - são as lembranças... Pode passar anos, mas o tom do olhos, o semblante e seus nuances, o corte de cabelo, um detalhe no rosto, enfim, jamais a face é esquecida! Nesse ínterim, fiquei pensando que, nunca Adão e Eva deixou de se lembrar nenhum dia sequer de suas vidas do rosto do Pai! Em suma, a maior falta humana não ocorreu por causa de sua expulsão do lugar paradisíaco feito para sua vivência eternamente, mas provavelmente por não sentir a falta da Face de Deus por um momento... E quanto mais distantes da Face de Deus maior é o vazio interior...
Infelizmente, na busca frenética em preencher este espaço que exclusivamente Deus pode, o ser humano vagueia pelos os prazeres transitórios e consome seus dias nos devaneios carnais. Embora, alguns como eu, anelaram engajar durante a caminhada - na promessa de que:
(v.😎 Bem-aventurados os limpos de coração, porque verão a Deus. (Mateus 5.)
"I know that we will never be a real couple, but we can at least be nice to each other Aneel" I told him. I've had enough. Tears were starting to prick my eyes, but I didn't let them fall. He looked over at me in a weird expression. Like if I died in front of him, he wouldn't care.
"You don't get it, do you?! I. will. never. love. you! I will never care for you. You wait, every day, for me to come home and have dinner with you like normal couples do- you are pathetic. You are nothing! Absolutely nothing to me. You are not even worth my words. You are a loser who has nobody- your parents? They are just like me. They knew that you were worthless and wanted to get rid of you" he said angrily. I was not angry at him. He was telling the truth. I'm nothing. Never was, never will. I nodded. He was right. He was so damn right.
Sahra Ali is eighteen years old when she gets married. It was not a marriage out of love, no, she was forced into it. Shre grew up being abused. Her parents sold her for money. No parent would do that, so are her so called parents her real parents? She is trying to survive this marriage, because she believes in Allah and knows that He had a good reason that He gave her all these pain.
Aneel Osman is a badboy who wants nothing to do with Islam. He was a muslim when he was younger, but when something bad happened, he blamed Allah for it. Deep inside he knows that it is wrong, but shoves that thought away. He began doing the things Allah prohibited. There was no one to hold onto or to pull him out. He kept falling and falling. And when he has to deal with that girl his parents wants him to marry, he is losing himself more and more.
Read the description in the book for the fully version! This is a short draft!
Salaam guys, this story is edited! Almost everything has CHANGED and it is now a mature story. I like how it turned out. Thank you for all your support!
It still contains small grammar mistakes. You have been warned:)