Soon, We'll Meet Again - Yoon Jeonghan
21 parts Complete Jeonghan knew that he had fallen in love. He had fallen in an endless hole that took over his entire being. He loved her so much.
Nothing was going to stop their romance, not even his job or her studies. They both knew it. Slowly falling deeper and deeper in love with one another.
However, the one thing that Eleanor had tried to flee caught up to her and that was the very thing that was going to ruin her life. Once again.
Ripped apart from her, Jeonghan will have to work together as best as possible to be back as one. Though contact has been broken, both search as much as they can to find their other half.
It isn't until over a year later that their first lead to her disappearance arrives.
Life in Two Parts
There is always a before and an after in a relationship, something that changed the whole dynamic.
For Jeonghan and Ellie it was before she was taken away, before Guillaume.
This story does touch upon the subjects of - neglectful parenting, unplanned pregnancy, abortion, abuse, mental illness, single parenting and complex parent/child relationships and feelings.
1 - Soon, We'll Meet Again (Y.Jh)
2 - Precipitation (J.Ww)
3 - ? (K.Sy)
4 - ? (K.Mg)