I'm writing stuff I haven't found that I wanted to read. I'm mega gay. Sorry.
Not doing smut :) so don't ask for it.
Sneak peak for Sombra to see if you like my grammar and writing style:
It'd been a long day at work, non stop being asked to fix bugs for other people's programs, trying to show them how to fix it themselves, even when they clearly just wanted you to do their work, but you were to kind to decline your aid. You told yourself that they would learn one day, and maybe when that day came they would thank you for helping them. Fortunately, you weren't that blind but just struggled with confrontation, and it made you simmer with anger.
You adjusted the strap of your computer bag as you grabbed the key from your pocked, jamming it into the lock and twisting the key with frustration. You were too caught up in your own thoughts to notice the sound of something moving on the other side of the door.
Your anger turned to panic as you looked around the room, it looked as though a hurricane had whipped through the apartment, papers, clothing and books were thrown everywhere, some of this looked like it'd been done out of anger rather than searching... You kind of just stood there, examining the room carefully, something wasn't quite right here. Glancing over into the kitchen there was a bottle of tequila on the counter, a shot glass empty but recently used sitting beside it. Interesting because you didn't own any alcohol.
As you approached it, you could see faint fingerprints on the glass and you pulled out your phone to take a picture when you felt the cold round barrel of a gun against the back of your head.
"I'm gonna have to stop you right there chica"
When an archeology student accidently gets added in a groupchat full of f1 drivers.
When Charles Leclerc falls for the stranger in the groupchat
social media & irl
(Updates every day or every other day)