I live in a creepy ass house. In a creepy ass village. With a creepy ass forest surrounding the entire village. And a few houses down from me, a creepy ass grave yard. Every week, usually Monday, I will walk into my kitchen, and the plates, bowls, mugs and glasses will be smashed all over the place. The drawers will all be pulled out to their full extent, with the forms, spoons and knives, all over the damn place. At the back of my backyard, there is a fence, then a huge steep hill. And let me tell you, once your down there, there's no coming back. A few feet away from the hill, there is the forest. The rest if the houses are like this. One day, I fell down there and died. I could see all the other ghosts haunting the houses. Then a group of 6 moved in my house. And I had a sudden urge...to kill them. Like the ghost who haunted this house before me...killed me.