Crystal Mathews has finally been crowned the Queen Bee which to be exact is the very cause of her misery. The social pariah now has followers skimming her path and well things are just not the same. It was then that Derek Williams the guy who walked in the shadows of solitude suddenly reveals how much of a threat he is to the hearts of a girl. He enters as the dashing, swoon worthy guy but only killjoy he still relishes being the loner. Crystal on the other hand goes haywire and beyond intrigued about him. THe bubbly at times a little dense girl has no clue about what she is walking into. Derek has enough secrets and hideous scars to get people running for the hill. Will Crystal barge in and be the light he was dreading to usher into his life? Will she actually be the queen of his hearts or all of this crumbles into a massacre of broken hearts? Is Derek even going to accept the life jacket of his life and dive into the waters or he does that the completely alone and hopelessly fatal way?