For 254 years, the outside world had come to respect the Asian Royalty of Han family as the pure bloodline fashion icons and creators of Pan Majorie; a big society of all races except the white race. Created as separation from white supremacy, political oppression by Bob Li Han, and as a way of making wealth through cultural expression, the mini continent had flourished vastly in fame and wealth. The Hans had their public image by setting themselves apart from the rest of Pan Majorie as the highest class by their exquisite wealth and fashion as well as their lineage purity. Until recently, Black Royalty seemed to be ending their tenure, with the new socialite and dominating family of Shelton and by the stubborn, introverted Han Estate heir apparent Walter Han, having fallen for the heiress, Lady Jay Shelton. A black aspiring model raised by Asian Royalty finds herself between being seen as a traitor by her community, and discrimination from upperclass Asian Fashion Royalty. Greed, disloyalty, selfishness, crave for power, contempt, rebellion, determination and sacrifices become the new order of the day. For the Hans however, with their status before the outside world being threatened, drastic inevitable measures with permanent effects might result.