Elise Daniels, a young woman in her early 20's just moved to New York. Immediately, she and Bridget Lancaster, a beautiful, rich heiress who happens to be her boss's granddaughter become friends. Bridget begins dragging her to party after party, it seemed like she was in search for something. Elise never knew what it was, and would always end up in a corner, alone while Bridget won the heart of every man there. It was at one of those parties, while Elise sat in the back, partially tipsy that she met him. The next day, Bridget confronted her, screaming that she'd stolen the only man she ever wanted. Confused, Elise avoids Bridget every day at work. Until, the man she met that night at the party shows up. He goes straight to Bridget, and leaves five minutes later. That night, Bridget is found dead. Elise runs into him later, and he suddenly wants her as a bride. Now, Elise is thrown into a world she didn't know existed, a man she wants to resist but can't, and a list of murders that just keeps getting longer and longer.